Govind Singh joined NALSAR Hyderabad after securing an All India Rank of 111 in CLAT 2019. A freelancer and startup enthusiast, Govind has always been a maverick. Apart from his law school achievements which include national level moot court competitions, debates, quizzes and negotiation competitions, Govind has 5 startups to his name. His startup journey began in the pandemic when he saw shortcomings in legal education system and Co-founded ‘Law Mentoring’ where 1800 plus law students have been Mentored through internships and personal guidance. With the aim of extending the success of the first startup, and to mentor law aspirants who take up CLAT and other competitive law entrance exams, he launched another startup named ‘Success Boat’. At Success Boat, 800 aspirants were Mentored and 200+ students made it to the top law schools of the country. He also runs three other initiatives, ‘Writoflix’ – A Content writing and marketing platform for freelancers, ‘The Gavel’ – A legal publication website, and ‘Lawyering 101’ – A podcast for the legal fraternity. He is also a stock market and cryptocurrency enthusiast when he’s not thinking about his next startup idea. Govind has a vision to promote entrepreneurship in India and make education in India accessible and affordable for everyone which makes the Indian youth self-reliant